Growth Through Innovative Technologies and Entrepreneurial Development
Secured multiple Phase 1 and Phase 2 SBIR awards
Retained 2 employees that would
have been terminated
Secured multiple Phase 1 and Phase 2 SBIR awards
Retained 2 employees that would
have been terminated
Cost savings of $200,000
Improved Overall Equipment Effectiveness
to all time high of 33%
Trained all 200 employees
Increased accuracy, Improved organization
Reduced changeover time
69% improvement in production time
56% reduction in waste
16 senior leaders, 8 shift leaders trained
$48,000 Cost Savings
Increased/Retained 3-5 Jobs
$+10,000 Training Investment
Sales have grown by 200%
Added over 100 new jobs
1/4 of workforce trained in LEAN manufacturing.
Sales to South Korea has Increased by 70%
Development practical and mature business plan
Exports now directly support more than a quarter of the jobs at primary manufacturing facility
More than $53.5 million in increased/retained sales
17 new jobs were created and 203 were retained.
Investment increase by more than $2 million.
More than $53.5 million in increased/retained sales
17 new jobs were created and 203 were retained.
Investment increase by more than $2 million.
More than $53.5 million in increased/retained sales
17 new jobs were created and 203 were retained.
Investment increase by more than $2 million.